Our Adult Education Classes are designed to explore the essentials of the Christian faith. The aim is to build up each Christian in his or her relationship with God and to be equipped for personal growth, church ministry, leadership and mission both locally and globally. The curriculum is designed for those who are both exploring Christianity and for those who desire growth as a follower of Christ. The series of classes focus on two main themes, Explore and Equip.


These classes are for those who are exploring Christianity. In these exploration classes you will get the opportunity to discover Christ and learn how to begin your journey with Him. You will learn the basics of the faith and answers to tough questions. You will also get an in depth look at our beliefs, our vision and values, our ministries and our leadership at Crossway Church.


These classes help you to grow as a follower of Christ.  You will learn the essentials of growing a strong personal relationship with Jesus like:  how to effectively study the Bible for yourself, the foundations of the faith, how to change and grow, how to live in Biblical community, handling grief and suffering, develop your God given spiritual gifts and abilities, sharing the gospel, and utilize your gifts and passions for ministry in our church community and mission in both the local and global context. You will also have the opportunity to become an active member of Crossway Church. 

For more information, email info@crosswaysfv.org.